Thursday, December 30, 2010

Staying Warm

Arizona had such warm weather, we forgot that we were flying home to freezing cold temperatures! Levi's coat was buried somewhere in our luggage. Daddy to the rescue! He tucked our baby boy into his jacket while we were waiting for our ride!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Swimming with Daddy

Levi's second try in the pool... this time we dunked him a few times!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Water Baby!

On Christmas Day I took Levi for his first swim in the pool...

Christmas in Arizona

This year for Christmas we flew to Arizona to visit Eric's family. It was Levi's first airplane ride and he did great! It was a little strange being in such hot weather for Christmas, but it sure felt nice! Levi had lots of fun playing with his cousins. He also met Aunt Carina and Uncle Sam for the first time. Merry Christmas, Baby Boy!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ho! Ho! Ho!

We took a drive over to Leavenworth to see the town all lit up with Christmas lights. Levi met Santa for the first time. What a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Gold Fish

Levi's Great Aunt Tracy and Uncle Terry sent him a fun new shirt...

Tis the Season!

Today we got our Christmas Tree... and Grandpa Nuesse gave Levi his very first Christmas ornament!