Friday, August 27, 2010

Daddy Time!

Levi sure loves hanging with his Daddy... from morning talks to nighttime snuggles, they are quite the pair! Here are a few of my favorite pictures of my two favorite boys (and I'm sure there will be many more to come).

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Two Weeks Old

Happy two weeks, Levi! On Monday we went to his first official doctor's appointment to find that he's doing extremely well! Our little one gained one whole pound since birth! For preemies, it's great if they just return back to birth weight.

Levi's jaundice is getting much better. All those sun baths with Daddy are paying off. This week we introduced the little guy to a few new friends - the cute animals on his play mat. His eyes focus really well now and he's gaining much better control over his arms and legs.

Our little baby is getting bigger and stronger each day... soon he'll be crawling, running, and learning to drive! Boy does time fly!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Levi's First Week

Today, Levi is 11 days old. Since we've brought him home we've been pretty busy!  

Levi's jaundice got to a high risk level a couple days after we left the hospital. Daddy gave him plenty of 'sun baths' to bring his levels come down, and now he seems to be doing much better. Since he's a preemie, we have to make sure that he eats at least every three hours (which will also help with the jaundice).

We've become pros at the whole nighttime feeding routine. Yet still haven't mastered the art of daytime naps... I'm sure it'll catch up with us sooner or later! 

My Mom has been staying with us to help around the house and snuggle with the babe. She's been such a blessing and we love sharing this time with her. She even was Levi's first babysitter last week when Mommy and Daddy went on our first date night to the Dairy Queen drive through!

Levi gets his first home visit by Dr. Roberts...

Grandpa brings Uncle Micah to meet Levi...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Out and About

We've been on a few outings with the little guy... Babies R' Us, the grocery store, and even to the Arboretum in Seattle. We took him for his first walk last week around the block, but it seemed to be a little too bumpy for his little brain, so I think we'll stick to the front pack for now.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Little Brother

Levi meets his big sister and brother for the first time. Don't worry Blake, he'll be a lot more fun as he gets older!

Tiny Fingers and Tiny Toes

"Tiny fingers, tiny toes
Little itty bitty clothes.
Teddy bears and smiles of joy
Oh, my gosh its a little boy!" 

Friday, August 13, 2010

First Bath

Mommy and Daddy asked the nurses not to give Baby Levi a bath at the hospital... we wanted to give him one at home. It was only a sponge bath - not a real one - so the babe got a little fussy and cold. His tiny cry is so adorable and sounds like a little lamb (Mommy's new nickname for him).

Grandma took a great video of his sweet cry, which I'm sure will one day transform into shrieks and screams!


Welcome to the World, Levi James Arneson!

On Wednesday morning, August 11th, we had a surprise arrival... our baby boy decided to come into the world 4 1/2 weeks early! I woke up at 4am when my water broke and, only 3 hours later, Levi James Arneson was born at 6:59am. He weighed 5lbs 5.5oz and was 18.5 inches long. He is very healthy, strong, and alert... and of course beautiful! Levi is considered to be "late pre-term and, therefore, a little too early to be delivered at an at-home birth. Although it wasn't what we planned, the hospital staff at UW Medical Center was absolutely amazing and we wouldn't trade our experience for anything!

Levi was released two days later and we were so excited to get him home. He's extremely happy and is growing stronger every day. Today he turned 3 days old and had his first at home visit with his doctor.

Even though he was early, we think that Levi was in many ways "ready" to come out... he seems so content and happy to be here. We're so blessed to have him, and still in shock! We are so thankful for our beautiful baby boy and we can't wait for everyone to meet him in the coming weeks and months.

Here are some pictures of Levi James' first few days with us...

Daddy is the best at swaddling...

Our first family photo...

Proud Grandma...

Time to come home...

Nap time with Daddy...