Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat?

For Halloween night we went to the Anderson's House for a fun party. Levi went across the street for his first experience trick-or-treating. We didn't think he really needed any candy, but once he saw the other kids getting a treat, he insisted! Smart boy... no fooling him! Luckily, he just had fun holding it and had no clue what was inside. Maybe next year.

Daddy's Little Monkey

Levi and Mary

The yummy appetizer I made... looked like a spider web!

Look, my first piece of candy!

Our Little Monkey

Happy Halloween! Levi is the cutest Little Monkey around!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Levi Meets Jack

We carved Levi's first Jack-O-Lantern... with a Dremel of course!

"This is how we take the top off..."

"Let's peek inside!"

"Ewww... gooey!"

We've discovered a new way to carve a pumpkin...

...with a Dremel!

"Look, he's glowing!"

Levi is not too sure what to think of his new friend.